Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பருந்து, கருடன், டுங் கொள்ளையிடும் ஆர்வமுள்ளவன், எத்தன், பட்டம், காற்றாடி, பிரிட்டனின் சரக்குத் தர நிறுவனக் கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்கிணக்கமான தர உறுதிக்குரிய பருந்துக்குறி, (வினை.) காற்றாடியைப்போல் விண்ணிற் பறந்து உலவு, காற்றாடியைப்போல் விண்ணில் தாவிப் பறக்கச்செய்.

Kite, n. Etym: [OE. kyte, AS.c; cf. W. cud, cut.] 1. (Zoöl.) Defn: Any raptorial bird of the subfamily Milvinæ, of which many species are known. They have long wings, adapted for soaring, and usually a forked tail. Note: The European species are Milvus ictinus and M. govinda; the sacred or Brahmany kite of India is Haliastur Indus; the American fork-tailed kite is the Nauclerus furcatus. 2. Fig. : One who is rapacious. Detested kite, thou liest. Shak. 3. A light frame of wood or other material covered with paper or cloth, for flying in the air at the end of a string. 4. (Naut.) Defn: A lofty sail, carried only when the wind is light. 5. (Geom.) Defn: A quadrilateral, one of whose diagonals is an axis of symmetry. Henrici. 6. Fictitious commercial paper used for raising money or to sustain credit, as a check which represents no deposit in bank, or a bill of exchange not sanctioned by sale of goods; an accommodation check or bill. [Cant] 7. (Zoöl.) Defn: The brill. [Prov. Eng. ] Flying kites. (Naut.) See under Flying. -- Kite falcon (Zoöl.), an African falcon of the genus Avicida, having some resemblance to a kite. Kite, v. i. Defn: To raise money by "kites;" as, kiting transactions. See Kite, 6. [Cant] Kite, n. Defn: The belly. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

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