Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ரோமானியப் பெருந்தெய்வம், வியாழக் கோள்.

Ju"pi*ter, n. Etym: [L., fr. Jovis pater. See Jove.] 1. (Rom. Myth.) Defn: The supreme deity, king of gods and men, and reputed to be the son of Saturn and Rhea; Jove. He corresponds to the Greek Zeus. 2. (Astron.) Defn: One of the planets, being the brightest except Venus, and the largest of them all, its mean diameter being about 85,000 miles. It revolves about the sun in 4,332.6 days, at a mean distance of 5.2028 from the sun, the earth's mean distance being taken as unity. Jupiter's beard. (Bot.) (a) A South European herb, with cymes of small red blossoms (Centranthus ruber). (b) The houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); -- so called from its massive inflorescence, like the sculptured beard of Jove. Prior. (c) the cloverlike Anthyllis Barba-Jovis. -- Jupiter's staff (Bot.), the common mullein; -- so called from its long, rigid spike of yellow blossoms.

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