Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பன்மணிக் கலகலப்பொலி, சங்கிலிச் சலசலப்பொலி, அடுக்கொலி, ஒலி இயைபு, எதுகை மோனை இணைவு, இருசக்கர மோட்டார் வண்டி, (வினை.) மணி ஒலி செய். சாவிகள் வகையில் கணகணவென ஒலிக்கும்படி குலுக்கு, எதுகை மோனை நிரப்பி எழுது.



Jin"gle, v. i. Etym: [OE. gingelen, ginglen; prob. akin to E. chink; cf. also E. jangle.] 1. To sound with a fine, sharp, rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound; as, sleigh bells jingle. [Written also gingle.] 2. To rhyme or sound with a jingling effect. "Jingling street ballads." Macaulay. Jin"gle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Jingled; p. pr. & vb. n. Jingling.] Defn: To cause to give a sharp metallic sound as a little bell, or as coins shaken together; to tinkle. The bells she jingled, and the whistle blew. Pope. Jin"gle, n. 1. A rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound, as of little bells or pieces of metal. 2. That which makes a jingling sound, as a rattle. If you plant where savages are, do not only entertain them with trifles and jingles,but use them justly. Bacon. 3. A correspondence of sound in rhymes, especially when the verse has little merit; hence, the verse itself." The least jingle of verse." Guardian. Jingle shell. See Gold shell (b), under Gold.

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