Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கட்புலனாகாத, மறைந்துள்ள, காணமுடியாத படி மிகச் சிறிதான.



In*vis"i*ble, a. Etym: [F. invisible, L. invisibilis. See In- not, and Visible.] Defn: Incapable of being seen; not perceptible by vision; not visible. To us invisible, or dimly seen In these thy lowest works. Milton. Invisible bird (Zoöl.), a small, shy singing bird (Myadestes sibilons), of St. Vincent Islands. -- Invisible green, a very dark shade of green, approaching to black, and liable to be mistaken for it. In*vis"i*ble, n. 1. An invisible person or thing; specifically, God, the Supreme Being. 2. A Rosicrucian; -- so called because avoiding declaration of his craft. [Obs.] 3. (Eccl. Hist.) Defn: One of those (as in the 16th century) who denied the visibility of the church. Shipley.

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