Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. படையெடுப்பு, தண்டெழுச்சி, தாக்குதல், வரம்பு மீறுகை, எல்லை கடப்பு, பிறர் உரிமை கைப்பற்றுதல், வல்லந்த நுழைவு.


In*va"sion, n. Etym: [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] 1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass. 2. A warlike or hostile entrance into the possessions or domains of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder. 3. The incoming or first attack of anything hurtful or pernicious; as, the invasion of a disease. Syn. -- Invasion, Irruption, Inroad. Invasion is the generic term, denoting a forcible entrance into a foreign country. Incursion signifies a hasty and sudden invasion. Irruption denotes particularly violent invasion. Inroad is entry by some unusual way involving trespass and injury.

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