Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கருவியாகப் பயன்படுகிற, துணைச்சாதகமான, கருவிசார்ந்த, கருவியிலிருந்து எழுகிற, ஏதுவான, காரணமான, இசைக்கருவிகளால் எழுப்பப்படுகிற.

In`stru*men"tal, a. Etym: [Cf. F. instrumental.] 1. Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; as, he was instrumental in conducting the business. The head is not more native to the heart, The hand more instrumental to the mouth. Shak. 2. (Mus.) Defn: Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. "He defended the use of instrumental music in public worship." Macaulay. Sweet voices mix'd with instrumental sounds. Dryden. 3. (Gram.) Defn: Applied to a case expressing means or agency; as, the instrumental case. This is found in Sanskrit as a separate case, but in Greek it was merged into the dative, and in Latin into the ablative. In Old English it was a separate case, but has disappeared, leaving only a few anomalous forms. Instrumental errors, those errors in instrumental measurements, etc., which arise, exclusively from want of mathematical accuracy in an instrument.

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