Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. உசாவுகிற, அறியும் அவாமிக்க, துடியார்டவமிக்க, பிறர் செய்திகளில் தலையிடுகிற.


In*quis"i*tive, a. Etym: [OE. inquisitif, F. inquisitif.] 1. Disposed to ask questions, especially in matters which do not concern the inquirer. A wise man is not inquisitive about things impertinent. Broome. 2. Given to examination, investigation, or research; searching; curious. A young, inquisitive, and sprightly genius. I. Watts. Syn. -- Inquiring; prying; curious; meddling; intrusive. -- Inquisitive, Curious, Prying. Curious denotes a feeling, and inquisitive a habit. We are curious when we desire to learn something new; we are inquisitive when we set ourselves to gain it by inquiry or research. Prying implies inquisitiveness, and is more commonly used in a bad sense, as indicating a desire to penetrate into the secrets of others. [We] curious are to hear, What happens new. Milton. This folio of four pages [a newspaper], happy work! Which not even critics criticise; that holds Inquisitive attention, while I read. Cowper. Nor need we with a prying eye survey The distant skies, to find the Milky Way. Creech. In*quis"i*tive, n. Defn: A person who is inquisitive; one curious in research. Sir W. Temple.

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