Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. மருட்சியூட்டி அறிவிழக்கச் செய், முட்டாளாக்கு, மயக்கு, மோகவலையுட்படுத்து.

In*fat"u*ate, a. Etym: [L. infatuatus, p. p. of infatuare to infatuate; pref. in- in + fatuus foolish. See Fatuous.] Defn: Infatuated. Bp. Hall. In*fat"u*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Infatuated; p. pr. & vb. n. Infatuating.] 1. To make foolish; to affect with folly; to weaken the intellectual powers of, or to deprive of sound judgment. The judgment of God will be very visible in infatuating a people . . . ripe and prepared for destruction. Clarendon. 2. To inspire with a foolish and extravagant passion; as, to be infatuated with gaming. The people are . . . infatuated with the notion. Addison.

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