Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. குழந்தை, ஹ் வயதுக்குட்பட்ட சிறுவன், ஹ் வயதுக்குட்பட்ட சிறுமி, (சட்) 21 வயதுக்குட்பட்டவர்ர, வயதுவராதவர்.

In"fant, n. Etym: [L. infans; pref. in- not +fari to speak: cf. F. enfant, whence OE. enfaunt. See Fame, and cf. Infante, Infanta.] 1. A child in the first period of life, beginning at his birth; a young babe; sometimes, a child several years of age. And tender cries of infants pierce the ear. C. Pitt. 2. (Law) Defn: A person who is not of full age, or who has not attained the age of legal capacity; a person under the age of twenty-one years; a minor. Note: An infant under seven years of age is not penally responsible; between seven and fourteen years of age, he may be convicted of a malicious offense if malice be proved. He becomes of age on the day preceding his twenty-first birthday, previous to which time an infant has no capacity to contract. 3. Same as Infante. [Obs.] Spenser. In"fant, a. 1. Of or pertaining to infancy, or the first period of life; tender; not mature; as, infant strength. 2. Intended for young children; as, an infant school. In"fant, v. t. Etym: [Cf. F. enfanter.] Defn: To bear or bring forth, as a child; hence, to produce, in general. [Obs.] This worthy motto, "No bishop, no king," is . . . infanted out of the same fears. Milton.

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