Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. இகழார்ந்த, பழிக்கப்பட்ட, இழிந்தவரெனப் பேரெடுத்த, அருவருப்பான, வெறுக்கத்தக்க, மோசமான, (சட்) பொல்லாத குற்றத்துக்காகக் குடிமகனுக்குரிய உரிமைகள் சில அல்லது அனைத்தும் பறிக்கப்பெற்ற.


In"fa*mous, a. Etym: [Pref. in- not + famous: cf. L. infamis. See Infamy.] 1. Of very bad report; having a reputation of the worst kind; held in abhorrence; guilty of something that exposes to infamy; base; notoriously vile; detestable; as, an infamous traitor; an infamous perjurer. False errant knight, infamous, and forsworn. Spenser. 2. Causing or producing infamy; deserving detestation; scandalous to the last degree; as, an infamous act; infamous vices; infamous corruption. Macaulay. 3. (Law) Defn: Branded with infamy by conviction of a crime; as, at common law, an infamous person can not be a witness. 4. Having a bad name as being the place where an odious crime was committed, or as being associated with something detestable; hence, unlucky; perilous; dangerous. "Infamous woods." P. Fletcher. Infamous hills, and sandy perilous wilds. Milton. The piny shade More infamous by cursed Lycaon made. Dryden. Syn. -- Detestable; odious; scandalous; disgraceful; base; vile; shameful; ignominious.

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