Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. குடிகாரர், குடிப்பழக்கமுள்ளவர், (பெயரடை) குடிவெறியேறிய, (வினை) குடிவெறியேறியவனுக்கு, வெறிகொள்ளுவி கிளர்ச்சி கொள்ளுவி.

In*e"bri*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inebriated; p. pr. & vb. n. Inebriating.] Etym: [L. inebriatus, p. p. of inebriare; pref. in- in + ebriare to make drunk, fr. ebrius drunk. See Ebriety.] 1. To make drunk; to intoxicate. The cups That cheer but not inebriate. Cowper. 2. Fig.: To disorder the senses of; to exhilarate or elate as if by spirituous drink; to deprive of sense and judgment; also, to stupefy. The inebriating effect of popular applause. Macaulay. In*e"bri*ate, v. i. Defn: To become drunk. [Obs.] Bacon. In*e"bri*ate, a. Etym: [L. inebriatus, p. p.] Defn: Intoxicated; drunk; habitually given to drink; stupefied. Thus spake Peter, as a man inebriate and made drunken with the sweetness of this vision, not knowing what he said. Udall. In*e"bri*ate, n. Defn: One who is drunk or intoxicated; esp., an habitual drunkard; as, an asylum fro inebriates. Some inebriates have their paroxysms of inebriety. E. Darwin.

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