Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. பொறிப்பு, முத்திரை, பொறிப்புச் சின்னம், தனிச் சிறப்பான அடையாளம்.-2 v. அழுத்து, பதியச் செய், குறியீடு, அடையாளம் செய், முத்திரையிடு, அச்சில் பதி, திறம்படக் கவர்ச்சி செய், ஆழ்ந்து பண்புருவாக்கு, மனத்திற் பதியவை.-3 v. நிலப்படை கடறபடைத்துறைகளில் சேவை செய்யும்படி வற்புறுத்து, பொதுச் சேவைக்காகக் கைப்பற்று, விவாதத்தில் இணைத்துப் பயன்படுத்திக்கொள்.


#noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply #noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply #noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply


#noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply #noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply #noun imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, [seedevice_and_stamp] #verb stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix_deeply #noun #verb learn, be_impressed, be_studious, be_mindful

Im*press", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Impressed; p. pr. & vb. n. Impressing.] Etym: [L. impressus, p. p. of imprimere to impress; pref. im- in, on + premere to press. See Press to squeeze, and cf. Imprint.] 1. To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression). His heart, like an agate, with your print impressed. Shak. 2. To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, etc.; to imprint (a mark or figure upon something). 3. Fig.: To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc.; to imprint; to inculcate. Impress the motives of persuasion upon our own hearts till we feel the force of them. I. Watts. 4. Etym: [See Imprest, Impress, n., 5.] Defn: To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money. The second five thousand pounds impressed for the service of the sick and wounded prisoners. Evelyn. Im*press", v. i. Defn: To be impressed; to rest. [Obs.] Such fiendly thoughts in his heart impress. Chaucer. Im"press, n.; pl. Impresses (. 1. The act of impressing or making. 2. A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence. The impresses of the insides of these shells. Woodward. This weak impress of love is as a figure Trenched in ice. Shak. 3. Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp. South. 4. A device. See Impresa. Cussans. To describe . . . emblazoned shields, Impresses quaint. Milton. 5. Etym: [See Imprest, Press to force into service.] Defn: The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed. Why such impress of shipwrights Shak. Impress gang, a party of men, with an officer, employed to impress seamen for ships of war; a press gang. -- Impress money, a sum of money paid, immediately upon their entering service, to men who have been impressed. Im*press", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Impressed; p. pr. & vb. n. Impressing.] Etym: [L. impressus, p. p. of imprimere to impress; pref. im- in, on + premere to press. See Press to squeeze, and cf. Imprint.] 1. To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression). His heart, like an agate, with your print impressed. Shak. 2. To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, etc.; to imprint (a mark or figure upon something). 3. Fig.: To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc.; to imprint; to inculcate. Impress the motives of persuasion upon our own hearts till we feel the force of them. I. Watts. 4. Etym: [See Imprest, Impress, n., 5.] Defn: To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money. The second five thousand pounds impressed for the service of the sick and wounded prisoners. Evelyn. Im*press", v. i. Defn: To be impressed; to rest. [Obs.] Such fiendly thoughts in his heart impress. Chaucer. Im"press, n.; pl. Impresses (. 1. The act of impressing or making. 2. A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence. The impresses of the insides of these shells. Woodward. This weak impress of love is as a figure Trenched in ice. Shak. 3. Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp. South. 4. A device. See Impresa. Cussans. To describe . . . emblazoned shields, Impresses quaint. Milton. 5. Etym: [See Imprest, Press to force into service.] Defn: The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed. Why such impress of shipwrights Shak. Impress gang, a party of men, with an officer, employed to impress seamen for ships of war; a press gang. -- Impress money, a sum of money paid, immediately upon their entering service, to men who have been impressed. Im*press", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Impressed; p. pr. & vb. n. Impressing.] Etym: [L. impressus, p. p. of imprimere to impress; pref. im- in, on + premere to press. See Press to squeeze, and cf. Imprint.] 1. To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression). His heart, like an agate, with your print impressed. Shak. 2. To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, etc.; to imprint (a mark or figure upon something). 3. Fig.: To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc.; to imprint; to inculcate. Impress the motives of persuasion upon our own hearts till we feel the force of them. I. Watts. 4. Etym: [See Imprest, Impress, n., 5.] Defn: To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money. The second five thousand pounds impressed for the service of the sick and wounded prisoners. Evelyn. Im*press", v. i. Defn: To be impressed; to rest. [Obs.] Such fiendly thoughts in his heart impress. Chaucer. Im"press, n.; pl. Impresses (. 1. The act of impressing or making. 2. A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence. The impresses of the insides of these shells. Woodward. This weak impress of love is as a figure Trenched in ice. Shak. 3. Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp. South. 4. A device. See Impresa. Cussans. To describe . . . emblazoned shields, Impresses quaint. Milton. 5. Etym: [See Imprest, Press to force into service.] Defn: The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed. Why such impress of shipwrights Shak. Impress gang, a party of men, with an officer, employed to impress seamen for ships of war; a press gang. -- Impress money, a sum of money paid, immediately upon their entering service, to men who have been impressed.

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