Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. பின்பற்றுகின்ற, பின்பற்றும் இயல்புடைய, போன்று செய்கின்ற, போலியாக நடிக்கின்ற, மாதிரியைப் பின்பற்றி அமைக்கப்பட்ட, போலியான.



Im"i*ta*tive, a. Etym: [L. imitavitus: cf. F. imitatif.] 1. Inclined to imitate, copy, or follow; imitating; exhibiting some of the qualities or characteristics of a pattern or model; dependent on example; not original; as, man is an imitative being; painting is an imitative art. 2. Formed after a model, pattern, or original. This temple, less in form, with equal grace, Was imitative of the first in Thrace. Dryden. 3. (Nat. Hist.) Defn: Designed to imitate another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object, for some useful purpose, such as protection from enemies; having resamblance to something else; as, imitative colors; imitative habits; dendritic and mammillary forms of minerals are imitative. -- Im"i*ta*tive*ly, adv. -- Im"i*ta*tive*ness, n. Im"i*ta*tive, n. (Gram.) Defn: A verb expressive of imitation or resemblance. [R.]

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