Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. சொற்கள் வகையில் அனுமானம் குறித்த, ஊக வாசகத்துக்கு வாயில் செய்கிற.

Il"la*tive, a. Etym: [L. illativus: cf. F. illatif.] Defn: Relating to, dependent on, or denoting, illation; inferential; conclusive; as, an illative consequence or proposition; an illative word, as then, therefore, etc. Illative conversion (Logic), a converse or reverse statement of a proposition which in that form must be true because the original proposition is true. -- Illative sense (Metaph.), the faculty of the mind by which it apprehends the conditions and determines upon the correctness of inferences. Il"la*tive, n. Defn: An illative particle, as for, because.

illative - Similar Words