Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Hes"sian, a. Defn: Of or relating to Hesse, in Germany, or to the Hessians. Hessian boots, or Hessians, boot of a kind worn in England, in the early part of the nineteenth century, tasseled in front. Thackeray. -- Hessian cloth, or Hessians, a coarse hempen cloth for sacking. -- Hessian crucible. See under Crucible. -- Hessian fly (Zoöl.), a small dipterous fly or midge (Cecidomyia destructor). Its larvæ live between the base of the lower leaves and the stalk of wheat, and are very destructive to young wheat; -- so called from the erroneous idea that it was brought into America by the Hessian troops, during the Revolution. Hes"sian, n. 1. A native or inhabitant of Hesse. 2. A mercenary or venal person. [U. S.] Note: This use is a relic of the patriot hatred of the Hessian mercenaries who served with the British troops in the Revolutionary War. 3. pl. Defn: See Hessian boots and cloth, under Hessian, a.

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