Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஆப்பிரிக்காவிலுள்ள பெரிய விட்டிற்பூச்சி வகை.

Hawk" moth`. (Zoöl.) Defn: Any moth of the family Sphingidæ, of which there are numerous genera and species. They are large, handsome moths, which fly mostly at twilight and hover about flowers like a humming bird, sucking the honey by means of a long, slender proboscis. The larvæ are large, hairless caterpillars ornamented with green and other bright colors, and often with a caudal spine. See Sphinx, also Tobacco worm, and Tomato worm. Tobacco Hawk Moth (Macrosila Carolina), and its Larva, the Tobacco Worm. Note: The larvæ of several species of hawk moths feed on grapevines. The elm-tree hawk moth is Ceratomia Amyntor.

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