Tamil Dictionary 🔍


adv. கடினமாக, கொடுமையாக, இடர்ப்பட்டு, கண்ணற்று, அரிதாக, போதாமல்.



Hard"ly, adv. Etym: [AS.heardlice. See Hand.] 1. In a hard or difficult manner; with difficulty. Recovering hardly what he lost before. Dryden. 2. Unwillingly; grudgingly. The House of Peers gave so hardly theiMilton. 3. Scarcely; barely; not guite; not wholly. Hardly shall you one so bad, but he desires the credit of being thought good. South. 4. Severely; harshly; roughly. He has in many things been hardly used. Swift. 5. Confidently; hardily. [Obs.] Holland. 6. Certainly; surely; indeed. [Obs.] Chaucer.

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