Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. அலைக்கழி, நச்சரி, தொல்லைக்கொடு, கவலையுண்டாக்கு.



Har"ass (hâr"as), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Harassed; p. pr. & vb. n. Harassing.] Etym: [F. harasser; cf. OF. harace a basket made of cords, harace, harasse,a very heavy and large shield; or harer to set (a dog) on.] Defn: To fatigue; to tire with repeated and exhausting efforts; esp., to weary by importunity, teasing, or fretting; to cause to endure excessive burdens or anxieties; -- sometimes followed by out. [Troops] harassed with a long and wearisome march. Bacon. Nature oppressed and harass'd out with care. Addison. Vext with lawyers and harass'd with debt. Tennyson. Syn. -- To weary; jade; tire; perplex; distress; tease; worry; disquiet; chafe; gall; annoy; irritate; plague; vex; molest; trouble; disturb; torment. Har"ass, n. 1. Devastation; waste. [Obs.] Milton. 2. Worry; harassment. [R.] Byron.

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