Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Gran"u*late, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Granulated; p. pr. & vb. n. Granulating.] Etym: [See Granule.] 1. To form into grains or small masses; as, to granulate powder, sugar, or metal. 2. To raise in granules or small asperities; to make rough on the surface. Gran"u*late, v. i. Defn: To collect or be formed into grains; as, cane juice granulates into sugar. Gran"u*late, Gran"u*la`ted, a. 1. Consisting of, or resembling, grains; crystallized in grains; granular; as, granulated sugar. 2. Having numerous small elevations, as shagreen. Granulated steel, a variety of steel made by a particular process beginning with the granulation of pig iron.

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