Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. சந்து வாதம் சார்ந்த, கீல்வாத நோய்க்கு ஆளான.

Gout"y, a. 1. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty person; a gouty joint. 2. Pertaining to the gout. "Gouty matter." Blackmore. 3. Swollen, as if from gout. Derham. 4. Boggy; as, gouty land. [Obs.] Spenser. Gouty bronchitis, bronchitis arising as a secondary disease during the progress of gout. -- Gouty concretions, calculi (urate of sodium) formed in the joints, kidneys, etc., of sufferers from gout. -- Gouty kidney, an affection occurring during the progress of gout, the kidney shriveling and containing concretions of urate of sodium.

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