Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. லத்தீன் மொழியில் வினையாகவும் செயலாற்றும் தொழிற் பெயர், ஆங்கில மொழியில் தொழிற்பெயராக இயலும் தொடரெச்ச வடிவம்.

Ger"und, n. Etym: [L. gerundium, fr. gerere to bear, carry, perform. See Gest a deed, Jest.] (Lat. Gram.) 1. A kind of verbal noun, having only the four oblique cases of the singular number, and governing cases like a participle. 2. (AS. Gram.) Defn: A verbal noun ending in -e, preceded by to and usually denoting purpose or end; -- called also the dative infinitive; as, "Ic hæbbe mete tô etanne" (I have meat to eat.) In Modern English the name has been applied to verbal or participal nouns in -ing denoting a transitive action; e. g., by throwing a stone.

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