Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. செயல்குளைவி, இடையிட்டுத்தடு, பண்பு அழி, எதிர்ச்செயலாற்று, ஏமாறுவி, மலைக்கச்செய்.

Frus"trate, a. Etym: [L. frustratus, p. p. of frustrare, frustrari, to deceive, frustrate, fr. frustra in vain, witout effect, in erorr, prob. for frudtra and akin to fraus, E. fraud.] Defn: Vain; ineffectual; useless; unprofitable; null; voil; nugatory; of no effect. "Our frustrate search." Shak. Frus"trate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Frustrated; p. pr. & vb. n. Frustrating.] 1. To bring to nothing; to prevent from attaining a purpose; to disappoint; to defeat; to baffle; as, to frustrate a plan, design, or attempt; to frustrate the will or purpose. Shall the adversary thus obtain His end and frustrate thine Milton. 2. To make null; to nullifly; to render invalid or of no effect; as, to frustrate a conveyance or deed. Syn. -- To balk; thwart; foil; baffle; defeat.

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