Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. திகில், கிலி, திடீரச்சம், பேரச்சம், இயல்பு மீறிய கோர உருவினர், (வினை) (செய்.) அச்சுறுத்து, திகிலுண்டாக்கு.


#noun apprehension, fright, fear, timidity, consternation, tocsin,war-cry, war-note, reveille, dread, , fright, disquietude,dismay #verb warn, wake, terrify, intimidate, frighten


#noun confidence, security, quiet #verb compose, embolden, reassure, rally

Fright, n. Etym: [OE. frigt, freyht, AS. fyrhto, fyrhtu; akin to OS. forhta, OHG. forhta, forahta, G. furcht, Dan. frygt, Sw. fruktan, Goth. faúrhtei fear, faúrhts timid.] 1. A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger; sudden and violent fear, usually of short duration; a sudden alarm. 2. Anything strange, ugly or shocking, producing a feeling of alarm or aversion. [Colloq.] Syn. -- Alarm; terror; consternation. See Alarm. Fright, v. t. [imp. Frighted; p. pr. & vb. n.. Frighting.] Etym: [OE. frigten to fear, frighten, AS. fyrhtan to frighten, forhtian to fear; akin to OS. forhtian, OHG. furihten, forahtan, G. fürchten, Sw. frukta, Dan. frygte, Goth. faurhtjan. See Fright, n., and cf. Frighten.] Defn: To alarm suddenly; to shock by causing sudden fear; to terrify; to scare. Nor exile or danger can fright a brave spirit. Dryden. Syn. -- To affright; dismay; daunt; intimidate.

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