Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. ஒருபக்கத்தில் மட்டும் மழமழப்பாக இடையிழை கத்தரிக்கப்பட்ட சொரசொரப்பான கம்பளித்துணி வகை.-2 n. கட்டிடத்தில் தூணுக்கு மேலுள்ள பகுதியின் உறுப்பு, தளமட்டமான அகன்ற பட்டையுள்ள சிற்பம், ஒப்பனைப்பட்டை.

Frieze, n. Etym: [Perh. the same word as frieze a, kind of cloth. Cf. Friz.] (Arch.) (a) That part of the entablature of an order which is between the architrave and cornice. It is a flat member or face, either uniform or broken by triglyphs, and often enriched with figures and other ornaments of sculpture. (b) Any sculptured or richly ornamented band in a building or, by extension, in rich pieces of furniture. See Illust. of Column. Cornice or frieze with bossy sculptures graven. Milton. Frieze, n. Etym: [F. frise, perh. originally a woolen cloth or stuff from Friesland (F. Frise); cf. LL. frisii panni and frissatus pannus, a shaggy woolen cloth, F. friser to friz, curl. Cf. Friz.] Defn: A kind of coarse woolen cloth or stuff with a shaggy or tufted (friezed) nap on one side. "Robes of frieze." Goldsmith. Frieze, v. t. Defn: To make a nap on (cloth); to friz. See Friz, v. t., 2. Friezing machine, a machine for friezing cloth; a friezing machine. Frieze, n. Etym: [Perh. the same word as frieze a, kind of cloth. Cf. Friz.] (Arch.) (a) That part of the entablature of an order which is between the architrave and cornice. It is a flat member or face, either uniform or broken by triglyphs, and often enriched with figures and other ornaments of sculpture. (b) Any sculptured or richly ornamented band in a building or, by extension, in rich pieces of furniture. See Illust. of Column. Cornice or frieze with bossy sculptures graven. Milton. Frieze, n. Etym: [F. frise, perh. originally a woolen cloth or stuff from Friesland (F. Frise); cf. LL. frisii panni and frissatus pannus, a shaggy woolen cloth, F. friser to friz, curl. Cf. Friz.] Defn: A kind of coarse woolen cloth or stuff with a shaggy or tufted (friezed) nap on one side. "Robes of frieze." Goldsmith. Frieze, v. t. Defn: To make a nap on (cloth); to friz. See Friz, v. t., 2. Friezing machine, a machine for friezing cloth; a friezing machine.

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