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adv. முன்னோக்கி.adv. முன்னோக்கி.

For"wards, adv. Defn: Same as Forward. For"ward, For"wards, adv. Etym: [AS. forweard, foreweard; for, fore + -weardes; akin to G. vorwärts. The s is properly a genitive ending. See For, Fore, and -ward, -wards.] Defn: Toward a part or place before or in front; onward; in advance; progressively; -- opposed to backward. For"ward, a. 1. Near, or at the fore part; in advance of something else; as, the forward gun in a ship, or the forward ship in a fleet. 2. Ready; prompt; strongly inclined; in an ill sense, overready; to hasty. Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do. Gal. ii. 10. Nor do we find him forward to be sounded. Shak. 3. Ardent; eager; earnest; in an ill sense, less reserved or modest than is proper; bold; confident; as, the boy is too forward for his years. I have known men disagreeably forward from their shyness. T. Arnold. 4. Advanced beyond the usual degree; advanced for season; as, the grass is forward, or forward for the season; we have a forward spring. early. The most forward bud Is eaten by the canker ere it blow. Shak. For"ward, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Forwarded; p.pr. & vb.n. Forwarding.] 1. To help onward; to advance; to promote; to accelerate; to quicken; to hasten; as, to forward the growth of a plant; to forward one in improvement. 2. To send forward; to send toward the place of destination; to transmit; as, to forward a letter.

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