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adv. முன், முன்னால், காலத்தில் முன்னோக்கி, புறத்தே, தொலைவாக, மிகுதியாக.

Forth, v.Etym: [AS. foredh, fr. for akin to D. voort, G. fort sq. root78. See Fore, For, and cf. Afford, Further, adv.] 1. Forward; onward in time, place, or order; in advance from a given point; on to end; as, from that day forth; one, two, three, and so forth. Lucas was Paul's companion, at the leastway from the sixteenth of the Acts forth. Tyndale. From this time forth, I never will speak word. Shak. I repeated the Ave Maria; the inquisitor bad me say forth; I said I was taught no more. Strype. 2. Out, as from a state of concealment, retirement, confinement, nondevelopment, or the like; out into notice or view; as, the plants in spring put forth leaves. When winter past, and summer scarce begun, Invites them forth to labor in the sun. Dryden. 3. Beyond a (certain) boundary; away; abroad; out. I have no mind of feasting forth to-night. Shak. 4. Throughly; from beginning to end. [Obs.] Shak. And so forth, Back and forth, From forth. See under And, Back, and From. -- Forth of, Forth from, out of [Obs.] Shak. -- To bring forth. See under Bring. Forth, prep. Defn: Forth from; out of. [Archaic] Some forth their cabins peep. Donne. Forth, n. Etym: [OE., a ford. Frith.] Defn: A way; a passage or ford. [Obs.] Todd.

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