Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அடிப்புறமாக மட்டும் பிளக்கும் ஒரு தோட்டுக்காய், மயிர் மூட்டுப்பை, சிறு பை, புழுக்கூடு.

Fol"li*cle, n. Etym: [L. folliculus a small bag, husk, pod, dim of follis bellows, an inflated ball, a leathern money bag, perh. akin to E. bellows: cf. F. follicule. Cf. 2d Fool.] 1. (Bot.) Defn: A simple podlike pericarp which contains several seeds and opens along the inner or ventral suture, as in the peony, larkspur and milkweed. 2. (Anat.) (a) A small cavity, tubular depression, or sac; as, a hair follicle. (b) A simple gland or glandular cavity; a crypt. (c) A small mass of adenoid tissue; as, a lymphatic follicle.

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