Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. வெப்பமான, சுடர் விட்டு ஔதர்கிற, தணியாப்பற்றுள்ள, ஆர்வமிகுந்த, செறிவார்ந்த.

Fer"vent, a. Etym: [F. fervent, L. fervens, -entis. p.pr. of fervere o the boiling hot, to boil, glow.] 1. Hot; glowing; boiling; burning; as, a fervent summer. The elements shall melt with fervent heat. 2 Pet. iii. 10. 2. Warm in feeling; ardent in temperament; earnest; full of fervor; zealous; glowing. Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit. Rom. iii. 11. So spake the fervent angel. Milton. A fervent desire to promote the happiness of mankind. Macaulay. -- Fer"vent*ly, adv. -- Fer"vent*ness, n. Laboring fervently for you in prayers. Col. iv. 12.

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