Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. கோட்டைட, அரண்காப்பு, உறுதி.-2 n. விரைவு.

Fast"ness, n. Etym: [AS. fæstnes, fr. fæst fast. See Fast, a.] 1. The state of being fast and firm; firmness; fixedness; security; faithfulness. All . . . places of fastness [are] laid open. Sir J. Davies. 2. A fast place; a stronghold; a fortress or fort; a secure retreat; a castle; as, the enemy retired to their fastnesses in the mountains. 3. Conciseness of style. [Obs.] Ascham. 4. The state of being fast or swift. Fast"ness, n. Etym: [AS. fæstnes, fr. fæst fast. See Fast, a.] 1. The state of being fast and firm; firmness; fixedness; security; faithfulness. All . . . places of fastness [are] laid open. Sir J. Davies. 2. A fast place; a stronghold; a fortress or fort; a secure retreat; a castle; as, the enemy retired to their fastnesses in the mountains. 3. Conciseness of style. [Obs.] Ascham. 4. The state of being fast or swift.

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