Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. மிகுதொலைவிலுள்ள, மிகுதூரம் கடந்த, (வினையடை) மிகுதொலைவில், நெடுந்தூரம் கடந்து, முந்தி முனைப்பாக.

Far"ther, a., compar. of Far. [superl. Farthest (. See Further.] Etym: [For farrer, OE. ferrer, compar. of far; confused with further. Cf. Farthest.] 1. More remote; more distant than something else. 2. Tending to a greater distance; beyond a certain point; additional; further. Before our farther way the fates allow. Dryden. Let me add a farther Truth. Dryden. Some farther change awaits us. MIlton. Far"ther, adv. 1. At or to a greater distance; more renotely; beyond; as, let us rest with what we have, without looking farther. 2. Moreover; by way of progress in treating a subject; as, farther, let us consider the probable event. No farther, (used elliptically for) go no farther; say no more, etc. It will be dangerous to go on. No farther ! Shak. Far"ther, v. t. Defn: To help onward. [R.] See Further.

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