Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கசி, கசியவிடு, வௌதவிடு, வடி, புழுங்கு, ஈர ஆவி வௌதப்படுத்து.


assert, swear, testify, tell, aver, propound, asseverate, depose,state, declare, endorse, maintain#noun malediction, execration, imprecation, denunciation, anathema,bane, blight #verb execrate


deny, dispute, doubt, demur, negative, contradict, gainsay,oppugn, impugn, oppose#noun blessing, benediction, joy, crown, glory #verb bless

Ex*ude", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Exuded; p. pr. & vb. n. exuding.] Etym: [L. exudare, exsudare, exudatum, exsudatum, to sweat out; ex out + sudare to sweat: cf. F. exuder, exsuder. See Sweat.] Defn: To discharge through pores or incisions, as moisture or other liquid matter; to give out. Our forests exude turpentine in . . . abundance. Dr. T. Dwight. Ex*ude", v. i. Defn: To flow from a body through the pores, or by a natural discharge, as juice.

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