Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. மிகுவிலையுள்ள, பெருஞ்செலவு பிடிக்கிற, ஊதாரித்தனமான.



Ex*pen"sive, a. 1. Occasioning expense; calling for liberal outlay; costly; dear; liberal; as, expensive dress; an expensive house or family. War is expensive, and peace desirable. Burke. 2. Free in expending; very liberal; especially, in a bad scene; extravagant; lavish. [R.] An active, expensive, indefatigable goodness. Sprat. The idle and expensive are dangerous. Sir W. Temple. Syn. -- Costly; dear; high-priced; lavish; extravagant. -- Ex*pen"sive*ly, adv. -- Ex*pen"sive*ness, n.

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