Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. திருமணம் செய்துகொள், மகட்கொடு, மணக்க உடன்படு, ஆதரவுகொடு.

Es*pouse", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Espoused; p. pr. & vb. n. Espousing.] Etym: [OF. espouser, esposer, F. épouser, L. sponsare to betroth, espouse, fr. sponsus betrothed, p. p. of spondere to promise solemnly or sacredly. Cf. Spouse.] 1. To betroth; to promise in marriage; to give as spouse. A virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph. Luke i. 27. 2. To take as spouse; to take to wife; to marry. Lavinia will I make my empress, . . . And in the sacred Pantheon her espouse. Shak. 3. To take to one's self with a view to maintain; to make one's own; to take up the cause of; to adopt; to embrace. "He espoused that quarrel." Bacon. Promised faithfully to espouse his cause as soon as he got out of the war. Bp. Burnet.

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