Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. (பிர.) அடைப்பு, அரண், (பெ.) கருக்கொண்ட.

En`ceinte", n. Etym: [F., fr. enceindre to gird about, surround, L. incingere; in (intens). + cingere to gird. See Cincture.] 1. (Fort.) Defn: The line of works which forms the main inclosure of a fortress or place; -- called also body of the place. 2. The area or town inclosed by a line of fortification. The suburbs are not unfrequently larger than their enceinte. S. W. Williams. En`ceinte", a. Etym: [F., fr. L. in not + cinctus, p. p. of cingere to gird about.] Defn: Pregnant; with child.

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