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Em*pale", v. t. Etym: [Pref. em- (L. in) + pale: cf. OF. empalir.] Defn: To make pale. [Obs.] No bloodless malady empales their face. G. Fletcher. Em*pale", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Empaled; p. pr. & vb. n. Empaling.] Etym: [OF. empaler to palisade, pierce, F. empaler to punish by empalement; pref. em- (L. in) + OF. & F. pal a pale, stake. See Pale a stake, and cf. Impale.] [Written also impale.] 1. To fence or fortify with stakes; to surround with a line of stakes for defense; to impale. All that dwell near enemies empale villages, to save themselves from surprise. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. To inclose; to surround. See Impale. 3. To put to death by thrusting a sharpened stake through the body. 4. (Her.) Defn: Same as Impale.

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