Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கருமுளை, முட்டைக்கருவுயிர், முதிர்வுறாக்கருவுருவியிர், தொடக்கநிலை, (பெ.) தொடக்கநிலையிலுள்ள, முதிராத.



Em"bry*o, n.; pl. Embryos. Etym: [F. embryon, Gr. in) + brew.] (Biol.) Defn: The first rudiments of an organism, whether animal or plant; as: (a) The young of an animal in the womb, or more specifically, before its parts are developed and it becomes a fetus (see Fetus). (b) The germ of the plant, which is inclosed in the seed and which is developed by germination. In embryo, in an incipient or undeveloped state; in conception, but not yet executed. "The company little suspected what a noble work I had then in embryo." Swift. Em"bry*o, a. Defn: Pertaining to an embryo; rudimentary; undeveloped; as, an embryo bud.

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