Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Em"bas*sy, n.; pl. Embassies. Etym: [OF. ambassée, embascée, LL. ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G. amt office, OHG. ambaht. Cf. Ambassador.] 1. The public function of an ambassador; the charge or business intrusted to an ambassador or to envoys; a public message to; foreign court concerning state affairs; hence, any solemn message. He sends the angels on embassies with his decrees. Jer. Taylor. 2. The person or persons sent as ambassadors or envoys; the ambassador and his suite; envoys. 3. The residence or office of an ambassador. Note: Sometimes, but rarely, spelled ambassy.

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