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Em*bark", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Embarked; p. pr. & vb. n. Embarking.] Etym: [F. embarquer; pref. em- (L. in) + barque bark: cf. Sp. embarcar, It. imbarcare. See Bark. a vessel.] 1. To cause to go on board a vessel or boat; to put on shipboard. 2. To engage, enlist, or invest (as persons, money, etc.) in any affair; as, he embarked his fortune in trade. It was the reputation of the sect upon which St. Paul embarked his salvation. South. Em*bark", v. i. 1. To go on board a vessel or a boat for a voyage; as, the troops embarked for Lisbon. 2. To engage in any affair. Slow to embark in such an undertaking. Macaulay.

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