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#noun spring, fountain_head, source, [see rigid_and_asperity]



Else, a. & pron. Etym: [OE. & AS. elles otherwise, gen. sing. of an adj. signifying other; akin to OHG. elles otherwise, OSw. äljes, Sw. eljest, Goth. aljis, adj., other, L. alius, Gr. Alias, Alien.] Defn: Other; one or something beside; as, Who else is coming What else shall I give Do you expect anything else "Bastards and else." Shak. Note: This word always follows its noun. It is usual to give the possessive form to else rather than to the substantive; as, somebody else's; no one else's. "A boy who is fond of somebody else's pencil case." G. Eliot. "A suit of clothes like everybody else's." Thackeray. Else, adv. & conj. 1. Besides; except that mentioned; in addition; as, nowhere else; no one else. 2. Otherwise; in the other, or the contrary, case; if the facts were different. For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it. Ps. li. 16. Note: After `or', else is sometimes used expletively, as simply noting an alternative. "Will you give thanks, . . . or else shall I" Shak.

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