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n. மின் அச்சு, மின்பகுக்கை முறையினால் அச்சுருவின் மீது செம்பு பூசிச்செய்யப்படும் அச்சுத்தகடு, (வினை) மின் அச்சினால் படியெடு.

E*lec"tro*type, n. Etym: [Electro- + -type.] Defn: A facsimile plate made by electrotypy for use in printing; also, an impression or print from such plate. Also used adjectively. Note: The face of an electrotype consists of a shell of copper, silver, or the like, produced by the action of an electrical current upon a plate of metal and a wax mold suspended in an acid bath and connected with opposite poles of the battery. It is backed up with a solid filling of type metal. E*lec"tro*type, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Electrotyped; p. pr. & vb. n. Electrotyping.] Defn: To make facsimile plates of by the electrotype process; as to electrotype a page of type, a book, etc. See Electrotype, n.

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