Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. விட்டெறி, திடீரெனச் சாற்று.



E*jac"u*late, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ejaculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Ejaculating.] Etym: [L. ejaculatus, p. p. of ejaculari to throw out; e out + ejaculari to throw, fr. jaculum javelin, dart, fr. jacere to throw. See Eject.] 1. To throw out suddenly and swiftly, as if a dart; to dart; to eject. [Archaic or Technical] Its active rays ejaculated thence. Blackmore. 2. To throw out, as an exclamation; to utter by a brief and sudden impulse; as, to ejaculate a prayer. E*jac"u*late, v. i. Defn: To utter ejaculations; to make short and hasty exclamations. [R.] "Ejaculating to himself." Sir W. Scott.

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