Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. முட்டை, கரு, உயிரணு, ஈருயிரின்பச் சேர்க்கையின் உயர்விளைவு, கோழி முட்டை போன்ற பொருள், (வினை) தூண்டு, விரைவுபடுத்து.

Egg, n. Etym: [OE., fr. Icel. egg; akin to AS. æg (whence OE. ey), Sw. ägg, Dan. æg, G. & D. ei, and prob. to OSlav. aje, jaje, L. ovum, Gr. ugh, Gael. ubh, and perh. to L. avis bird. Cf. Oval.] 1. (Popularly) Defn: The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually surrounded by the "white" or albumen, and inclosed in a shell or strong membrane. 2. (Biol.) Defn: A simple cell, from the development of which the young of animals are formed; ovum; germ cell. 3. Anything resembling an egg in form. Note: Egg is used adjectively, or as the first part of self- explaining compounds; as, egg beater or egg-beater, egg case, egg ladle, egg-shaped, etc. Egg and anchor (Arch.), an egg-shaped ornament, alternating with another in the form of a dart, used to enrich the ovolo; -- called also egg and dart, and egg and tongue. See Anchor, n., 5. Ogilvie. -- Egg cleavage (Biol.), a process of cleavage or segmentation, by which the egg undergoes endogenous division with formation of a mass of nearly similar cells, from the growth and differentiation of which the new organism is ultimately formed. See Segmentation of the ovum, under Segmentation. -- Egg development (Biol.), the process of the development of an egg, by which the embryo is formed. -- Egg mite (Zoöl.), any mite which devours the eggs of insects, as Nothrus ovivorus, which destroys those of the canker worm. -- Egg parasite (Zoöl.), any small hymenopterous insect, which, in the larval stage, lives within the eggs of other insects. Many genera and species are known. Egg, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Egged; p. pr. & vb. n. Egging.] Etym: [OE. eggen, Icel. eggja, fr. egg edge. Edge.] Defn: To urge on; to instigate; to incite Adam and Eve he egged to ill. Piers Plowman. [She] did egg him on to tell How fair she was. Warner.

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