Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஞாயிறு செல்வதாகத் தோன்றும் நெறி, கதிர் வீதி, (பெ.) கதிரிவீதிக்குரிய, வான்கோள மறைப்புச் சார்ந்த.

E*clip"tic, n. Etym: [Cf. F. écliptique, L. linea ecliptica, Gr. Ecliptic, a.] 1. (Astron.) Defn: A great circle of the celestial sphere, making an angle with the equinoctial of about 23º 28'. It is the apparent path of the sun, or the real path of the earth as seen from the sun. 2. (Geog.) Defn: A great circle drawn on a terrestrial globe, making an angle of 23º 28' with the equator; -- used for illustrating and solving astronomical problems. E*clip"tic, a. Etym: [L. eclipticus belonging to an eclipse, Gr. Eclipse.] 1. Pertaining to the ecliptic; as, the ecliptic way. 2. Pertaining to an eclipse or to eclipses. Lunar ecliptic limit (Astron.), the space of 12º on the moon's orbit from the node, within which, if the moon happens to be at full, it will be eclipsed. -- Solar ecliptic limit, the space of 17º from the lunar node, within which, if a conjunction of the sun and moon occur, the sun will be eclipsed.

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