Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. வேறுவழியிற் செலுத்து, போக்குமாற்று, நெறிமாற்று, திசைமாற்று, கவனத்தை வேறு வழியில் திருப்பு, கருத்தாழ்வு தளர்த்து, மனச்செறிவு மாற்று, போக்குக் காட்டு, பாராக்குக்காட்டு, பொழுதுபோக்காக மகிழச்செய்.



Di*vert", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Diverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Diverting.] Etym: [F. divertir, fr. L. divertere, diversum, to go different ways, turn aside; di- = dis- + vertere to turn. See Verse, and cf. Divorce.] 1. To turn aside; to turn off from any course or intended application; to deflect; as, to divert a river from its channel; to divert commerce from its usual course. That crude apple that diverted Eve. Milton. 2. To turn away from any occupation, business, or study; to cause to have lively and agreeable sensations; to amuse; to entertain; as, children are diverted with sports; men are diverted with works of wit and humor. We are amused by a tale, diverted by a comedy. C. J. Smith. Syn. -- To please; gratify; amuse; entertain; exhilarate; delight; recreate. See Amuse. Di*vert", v. i. Defn: To turn aside; to digress. [Obs.] I diverted to see one of the prince's palaces. Evelyn.

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