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Dis`es*teem", n. Defn: Want of esteem; low estimation, inclining to dislike; disfavor; disrepute. Disesteem and contempt of the public affairs. Milton. Dis`es*teem", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disesteemed; p. pr. & vb. n. Disesteeming.] 1. To feel an absence of esteem for; to regard with disfavor or slight contempt; to slight. But if this sacred gift you disesteem. Denham. Qualities which society does not disesteem. Ld. Lytton. 2. To deprive of esteem; to bring into disrepute; to cause to be regarded with disfavor. [Obs.] What fables have you vexed, what truth redeemed, Antiquities searched, opinions disesteemed B. Jonson.

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