Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஏளன இகழ்ச்சி, ஆணவப் புறக்கணிப்பு, (வினை) ஏளனமாகக் கருது, வெறுத்தொதுக்கு, ஆணவத்துடன் அவமதி.


#noun contempt, , haughtiness, disregard,superciliousness


#noun respect, reverence, admiration, respectfulness,considerateness, humility

Dis*dain", n. Etym: [OE. desdain, disdein, OF. desdein, desdaing, F. dédain, fr. the verb. See Disdain, v. t.] 1. A feeling of contempt and aversion; the regarding anything as unworthy of or beneath one; scorn. How my soul is moved with just disdain! Pope. Note: Often implying an idea of haughtiness. Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes. Shak. 2. That which is worthy to be disdained or regarded with contempt and aversion. [Obs.] Most loathsome, filthy, foul, and full of vile disdain. Spenser. 3. The state of being despised; shame. [Obs.] Shak. Syn. -- Haughtiness; scorn; contempt; arrogance; pride. See Haughtiness. Dis*dain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disdained; p. pr. & vb. n. Disdaining.] Etym: [OE. disdainen, desdainen, OF. desdeigner, desdaigner, F. dédaigner; des- (L. dis-) + daigner to deign, fr. L. dignari to deem worthy. See Deign.] 1. To think unworthy; to deem unsuitable or unbecoming; as, to disdain to do a mean act. Disdaining . . . that any should bear the armor of the best knight living. Sir P. Sidney. 2. To reject as unworthy of one's self, or as not deserving one's notice; to look with scorn upon; to scorn, as base acts, character, etc. When the Philistine . . . saw Dawid, he disdained him; for he was but a youth. 1 Sam. xvii. 42. 'T is great, 't manly to disdain disguise. Young. Syn. -- To contemn; despise; scorn. See Contemn. Dis*dain", v. i. Defn: To be filled with scorn; to feel contemptuous anger; to be haughty. And when the chief priests and scribes saw the marvels that he did . . . they disdained. Genevan Testament (Matt. xxi. 15).

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