Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. ஆற்றவொண்ணாத, துயர்மிக்க, திக்கற்ற.



Dis*con"so*late, n. Defn: Disconsolateness. [Obs.] Barrow. Dis*con"so*late, a. Etym: [LL. disconsolatus; L. dis- + consolatus, p. p. of consolari to console. See Console, v. t.] 1. Destitute of consolation; deeply dejected and dispirited; hopelessly sad; comfortless; filled with grief; as, a bereaved and disconsolate parent. One morn a Peri at the gate Of Eden stood disconsolate. Moore. The ladies and the knights, no shelter nigh, Were dropping wet, disconsolate and wan. Dryden. 2. Inspiring dejection; saddening; cheerless; as, the disconsolate darkness of the winter nights. Ray. Syn. -- Forlorn; melancholy; sorrowful; desolate; woeful; hopeless; gloomy. -- Dis*con"so*late*ly, adv. -- Dis*con"so*late*ness, n.

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