Tamil Dictionary 🔍



#noun load, weight, incubus, obstruction, oppression, grief,difficulty, affliction


#noun ease, lightness, airiness, expedition, facility, acceleration,abjugation, liberation, lightheartedness, alleviation, assuagement,mitigation, consolation, disburdenment

Dis*bur"den, v. t. Etym: [See Burden, v. t.] Etym: [Cf. Disburthen.] Defn: To rid of a burden; to free from a load borne or from something oppressive; to unload; to disencumber; to relieve. He did it to disburden a conscience. Feltham. My mediations . . . will, I hope, be more calm, being thus disburdened. Hammond. Syn. -- To unload; unburden; discharge; free. Dis*bur"den, v. i. Defn: To relieve one's self of a burden; to ease the mind. Milton.

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