Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தன்னம்பிக்கையின்மை, ஊக்கக்கேடு, தயக்கம், யெற்பின்னிடைவும, செயற்கூச்சம்.

Dif"fi*dence, n. Etym: [L. diffidentia.] 1. The state of being diffident; distrust; want of confidence; doubt of the power, ability, or disposition of others. [Archaic] That affliction grew heavy upon me, and weighed me down even to a diffidence of God's mercy. Donne. 2. Distrust of one's self or one's own powers; lack of self-reliance; modesty; modest reserve; bashfulness. It is good to speak on such questions with diffidence. Macaulay. An Englishman's habitual diffidence and awkwardness of adress. W. Irving. Syn. -- Humility; bashfulness; distrust; suspicion; doubt; fear; timidity; apprehension; hesitation. See Humility, and Bashfulness.

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