Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பண்டை உரு எழுத்துமுறையில் பொருள் விளக்கத்திற்கான துணைக்குறி, (பெயரடை) அறுதி செய்கிற, எல்லைவரையறுக்கிற, எல்லை விளக்குகிற.

De*ter"mi*na*tive, a. Etym: [Cf. F. déterminatif.] Defn: Having power to determine; limiting; shaping; directing; conclusive. Incidents . . . determinative of their course. I. Taylor. Determinative tables (Nat. Hist.), tables presenting the specific character of minerals, plants, etc., to assist in determining the species to which a specimen belongs. De*ter"mi*na*tive, n. Defn: That which serves to determine. Explanatory determinatives . . . were placed after words phonetically expressed, in order to serve as an aid to the reader in determining the meaning. I. Taylor (The Alphabet).

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